Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Outliers Chunk #3

Malcolm Gladwell's, third part of his book basically finishes his thoughts about people who are extremely gifted but need a little boost by others or other circumstances in order to achieve their life goals. As it happens with Asians who are taught at a much faster pace that regular Americans. This could lead to the explanation of how Asians live at a higher "style" than other cultures. Their hard working curriculum life can help the majority to become what they dream. it all comes down to how much discipline they are introduced to when young. Another factor which chips in with many other problems is that of poor families which can not afford to have extra classes for their children when regular classes are out. Thus causing their children to fall behind in their education because of lack of sufficient income. The last problem which was mentioned was that of people being held back because of their background. People who do not have the boost of being "single-raced" have a larger problem when it comes to education because they are not able to classify themselves as a single ethnic person. All these factors do not help people who are probably the best in the world if they do not have a stroke of luck in their lives. This is what Gladwell tries to point out to all readers.

Would life for these oultiers be easier without the spice of life's hardships?

Can people all over the world fight to become oultiers or is it for selected people only?


  1. Keyla, i think that people all over the would could fight to become outliers. People just need to study, and focus in whatever they want to do.

    What do you think Keyla?

  2. I feeel anybody can be an outlier if they put in hardwork, dedication and keep focused. If any thing the book proved that anyone has the potential no matter the race, social class, or background.

  3. Without life's challenges and hardhips, i think it is hard for an outlier to emerge. These hardships are needed to help a person grow into someone who has a bright future.

    Anyone is capable of being an outlier as long as they are willing to work hard.
